Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ok so I have an ingrown toe nail and....?

is there anyway that I can heal it. About an hour ago I put my toe in warm water with salt so what else can I do. I don't wanna go to the doctor because i heard it hurts like sh!t when they take it out and I can't take pain.Ok so I have an ingrown toe nail and....?
Alright....just plain salt won't help. Epsom salt will help to soften the nail and take out any infection. If it's not infected, you can go to a nail salon, and they can take it out for you. You soak your feet for a while in a hot bath with a lot of oils, so it gets the skin and nails very soft. They can easily cut it out.

However, if there is broken skin or infection you need to see the doctor. It can get very infected, painful and even dangerous to your health if You don't get it taken care of: including gangrene, (which can lead to amputation of the toe or even foot) or sepsis (bacteria in the blood stream which harms the entire body). If you go to a podiatrist, when they go to take it out, let them know your frightened of the pain, and they will give you a shot Novocaine which will numb the entire toe. This is just a small prick, then you don't feel a thing after!

Good luck, and get it taken care of soon!Ok so I have an ingrown toe nail and....?
I've had both my big toes get ingrown nails. . . I can't take pain either, but I went to the doctor anyways. He told me if left unchecked it can get infected which can lead up to eventual amputation. Against my prefference I got it corrected, what they do is give you a shot to numb your toe (hurts the most of anything they do to it) then they cut the ingrown sides then rub a mild acid in the area the nail was growing to keep it from growing back; however, there is a slight chance the entire nail could die and never grow back, both of mine didn't die though so I'm assuming it isn't a common occurance. It does hurt at first, but after the procedure it doesn't take long to heal. Hope you get everything taken care of.
alright here's what you do and trust me i know what i'm talking about. One-every night get a small tub large enough for you to insert your foot comfortably and fill the tub three/fourth's full of lukewarm water then put 4 to 5 tablespoons of epsom salt let foot soak for 30min or a little more maybe 45.

Two-squeeze toe that's infected push on it squeeze it and see if yellow puss comes out if it does it's infected if not it's not infected.

Three-after soaking toe take toenail clippers and cut down the nail on the side of the affected area straight down about .5in grab loose nail and pull this should cure you if this doesn't work go to a doctor and request pre numbing spray it's a coolant which freezes and numbs your toe before the insertion of the syringe which contains numbing liquid all in all the procedure is painless just contains some pressure follow this and it will help.
i get those sooo much I hate them, I cant even wear socks...well for one make sure your cutting your toenails straight across and not rounded on the corners, that can cause them to be ingrown, but there is this cream you can get at like walgreens or something (not expensive...$10bucks) for that. I can't remember what it's called but dr. scholls has something similar called ingrown toenail, its a pain reliever....but theres something else too..but yea soaking it in warm salt water is good...try that, obviously try to avoid shoes if you can help it...hope it helps....I couldn't stand the pain of mine so i went to have it fixed, and crap they cut off like half your toenail, i had such an ulgy toe, I couldn't even paint my toenails for such a loong time...

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