Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My toe nail was hollow underneath from hitting it...?

so i cut it down to tiny part the was still attached so no bacteria or whatever would get lodged underneath and it looks hideous now...is there a really good antifungal cream or gel or something(over the counter) the that i can put on the remaining nail which has gotten thick now im afraid it will grow back weird and wondering how long it will take - i would love to go to the Dr. about it but i am uninsured ...with the summer coming it will be hard to keep it covered and hidden - please help with advice and stories on what you did if you had the same problemMy toe nail was hollow underneath from hitting it...?
The same thing happened to my thumb nail on my hand. The best thing to do is really to just let it be, It will grow out in time. If you want to put something on it, try some neosporin which can help with scarring so your nail will grow back onto even skin.

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