Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My toe nail is going to fall off!?

Today my sister backed a chair up and ran over my big toe on my right foot, it is hanging not so much hanging but loose on one side and still together on the other it was bleeding i soaked it in cold water put a band aid and am keeping it elevated. Is the nail going to come off, I am 14 and am scared to death of it coming off what can I do to prevent this from happening?My toe nail is going to fall off!?
You shouldn't be scared of your toenail falling off. Once it falls off, it will grow back after 1-3 months and will be fine. There shouldn't be any pain involved unless you pull it off. I suggest keeping it clean and watch out for an infection.My toe nail is going to fall off!?
This happened to me when I was 14...or somewhere around there. My toenail was partially off, so I had to take a knife and slice it off and let the nail grow out. Not something I would recommend, but it worked. You could consult with your doctor about it, but I think he would do the same thing.
I can't tell you if it will come off, but if it does who cares anyway? my toe nail came off once and it grew back in about a month... it doesn't even hurt that bad plus i was 10 when it happened
Don't be scared about your toe nail coming off. It will grow back if it does happen.

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