Saturday, January 23, 2010

My ingrowing toe nail?

I have an ingrowing toe nail and have had it for over 2 months now and its bleeding and infected bad. What will happen to my toe if i leave it much longer which i dont plan on doing?My ingrowing toe nail?

I had an ingrowing toenail. The way forward is to see your GP and be referred to a State Registered Chiropodist, who will sort this problem out; either by trimming the nail, or by performing a small operation(under local anaesthetic) to permanently reduce the size of the nail.

Ingrowing toenails are associated with EXCRUCIATING pain if left untreated, and, as you say will also become easily infected.

Good Luck in sorting this one out!!!

';Mac';My ingrowing toe nail?
The infection will spread up your leg and you could lose it. Go to the doctor.
go to a doctor before you have your toe amputated or even your leg!
that does not sound good, you needto see a chiropodist or your doctor, if it gets too infected you coud get blood poisoning and thats serious, could lead to your toe being amputated. go and get it looked at!!!! x
Go see a Podiatrist or you can get an infection so badly that it might affect your walk.
It will get sooo bad that might have to take your toe. I use to do this take a little piece of cotton and on the side where you get them shove that cotton all the way down into the side of your toe (leave a little sticking up to pull it out later) and this preventions future in growm toenails
I had one on both my big toes and just clipped them away and use tweezers to pull it away. I put peroxide on it also. But if you have insurance go to a doctor so they can fully get rid of it. Mine grows bad every now and then but not as bad as it was the first time.
go to doctor, quick
your toe is very important my toe was infected for weeks its just getting better! you should look after your toes and cut your nails (not too short) remember your toe is your friend not a limb without a heart! sent
It will get infected and cause bacteria growth
It will begin to grow into your toe and infect it meaning that if it isn't removed you could get gangrene and you might need to amputate it so get a chiropodist to look at it!
Make sure you get it checked out right away. It can be very painful and if you don't get it taken care of, they might have to remove your nail. See a podiatrist.

Check out this site:
It'll get worse and then you might actually get gangrene and lose your whole leg????

Oh do not be silly you must be in such pain go to the doctor..and get it sorted.
Trim it, especially where it is growing into the skin.
wash it first with some savlon. after that dry it thoroughly and keep it dry. avoid wearing shoes for very long and use 100% cotton socks. if the problem goes away in 1 month thats fine.....or else it might need a very small minor surgery. dont worry its not bad just try to keep it dry. thats the trick
Well, theoretically the infection could get worse, which could either cause your toe to be permanently damaged or even get you sick. Not to mention that it could be very painful.

Here are some things that you could do:

1. Soak your toe in a bath with epsom salt or some similar bath salt. This will draw out the infection if possible and relieve the pressure on your toe.

2. Try to lift the toenail out of its furrow in the skin, if possible. You can also use very small pieces of cotton under the toenail to help lift it up so I can grow above the place where it is stuck. This sometimes takes care of it, although you have to keep putting cotton under there until your toe grows out.

3. If your toe is as bad as it seems, you can go to a podiatrist. They have a number of things that they can do, one of which is taking out the entire toenail so a new one can grow in its place. It sounds grody but it's much better than some people's ingrown toes!
drop off? - i don't know. you should go to your quack
It will become gangerous and your toe will need to be amputated !!! See a doctor !!
Honey, you need to go to the doctor. The infection could spread to other parts of our body if it hasn't already.
I'm sorry to say it's time to dig in deep!

Put your foot in some hot salty water, rubbing your toe at the same time, this will free the dirt and soften the skin.

Now be brave!!!

Get some good nail clippers, dig in to the corner and clip it away, the relief you will have I just cannot explain, but I promise it's worth it, once the nail is removed, squeeze your toe just in case you have a build up of puss, remember to wash your feet with soap and water afterwards, towel dry, then just relax without putting anything on your foot for a little while.

Good luck!!!!!
You could get a nasty infection and will be in a lot of pain
It sounds infected and you should go to the doc. I know they can be painful my husband gets them all the time.
I really don't know what can happen other then very painful now the pain would get worse.If you soak your feet for a good half hour it really softens the nails it also makes it easy to reach the ingrown nail. use a steril pin or the scissors that r for doing pedicures the very tiny scissers an u can get rid of it yourself good luck n i hope i helped.

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