Saturday, January 23, 2010

How many minutes does the military (marine corp allow you to trim your finger nails and toe nails in boot camp?

They get an hour each day to do what they need to do, i.e., write letters, or in your case, trim nails. That is uninterrupted time. But most of the time, recruits are polishing their shoes or making sure their uniform is just right, or reading/writing letters.

Sundays, you get four free hours. Most go to church, but again, they are polishing their shoes, or up keeping their uniforms.How many minutes does the military (marine corp allow you to trim your finger nails and toe nails in boot camp?
The Marine Corps Recruit Training Regulation requires the DIs to give you one hour of uninterrupted free time each evening, beginning on the first training day, while in garrison (ie, not out in the field), Monday through Saturday, and four hours on Sundays and holidays while in garrison. Company commanders may authorize two hours of free time on Saturdays. However, company commanders may also suspend free time for recruits as a result of punishment imposed by administrative or legal proceedings.

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