Friday, May 14, 2010

Toe nail surgery?(20 characters)?

I have a toenail that keeps cutting my skin and im having surgery on thursday. i know its not a big surgery i was just wondering:

does it hurt a lot after the surgery?

can i still walk fine after the surgery? (maybe 3 or 4 days later)

and how long does the surgery normally take?Toe nail surgery?(20 characters)?
I assume that the problem is an ingrowing toenail.

There are 2 options for surgical intervention,wedge resection and removal. These have the option of phenolisation of the nail bed or no phenolisation.

The procedures themselves result in the same amount of pain during the op,and surprisingly little afterwards,if the procedure goes well and there is no wound infection. The pain is due to the injection of local anaesthetic,ideally a mix of lignocaine and marcaine into both sides of the toe to numb the digital nerves. I would not pretend that this is anything but unpleasant,but it takes about 30 seconds for each side and after that you are pain free. Assuming that marcaine is used it is very long acting, and the pain from the procedure has almost always worn off before the anaesthetic does.

In my view wedge should always be accompanied by phenolisation,this destroys a few millimetres of the nail bed,resulting in a narrower nail and reduces the risk of recurrence,but preserves cosmetic appearance. It is sometimes necessary to remove the whole nail,if the IGTN is minor it is sometimes done without phenolisation. If the in growth is severe or affects both sides of the nail,it is better to phenolise. This prevents any regrowth of nail,the cosmetic effect is less aesthetically pleasing,but not as bad as you might think. For those who prefer the toe to look more normal after this,stick on 'mock nails, are available.

You can walk about on day one,however the bigger issue post op is not pain but rather getting a shoe on over the dressing. I often recommend an open toed sandal.

EDIT Onychocryptosis (lol) is very unlikely to be the problem! I do wish those with negligible medical knowledge would not attempt to pretend to anyone that they actually know what they are talking about.Toe nail surgery?(20 characters)?

The Vandenbos procedure was first described by Vandenbos and Bowers in 1959 in the US Armed Forces Medical Journal (Please refer to Reference section for link). They reported on 55 patients and had no recurrences. Subsequently, Dr. Henry Chapeskie performed this procedure on over 560 patients with no recurrences. Unlike other procedures used to treat ingrown toenails, the Vandenbos procedure doesn't touch the nail. In this procedure, the involved toe is first anesthetized with a digital block and a tourniquet applied. An incision is made proximally from the base of the nail about 5 mm (leaving the nail bed intact) then extended toward the side of the toe in an elliptical sweep to end up under the tip of the nail about 3-4 mm in from the edge. It is important that all the skin at the edge of the nail be removed. The excision must be adequate often leaving a soft tissue deficiency measuring 1.5 脳 3 cm. A portion of the lateral aspect of the distal phalanx is occasionally exposed without fear of infection. Antibiotics are not necessary as the wound is left open to close by secondary intention. Postoperative management involves soaking of the toe in warm water 3 times/day for 15鈥?0 minutes. The wound is healed by 4鈥? weeks. No cases of osteomyelitis have been reported. When healed, the nail fold skin remains low and tight at the side of the nail. This procedure can be performed on mild to severe cases, and preferably before anyone has attempted a nail resection.
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