he developed blood under half of the nail
Should I be worried?
I asked my husband and he said it'll go away on it's own and or fall off?
What do you guys think?Blood under the toe nail...for over a month?
well i think your son got hit pretty hard
, your husband is right...Blood under the toe nail...for over a month?
My anatomy teacher told us that if you want to you can heat up a needle and poke it through the nail over the spot where the blood is. This will relieve the pressure that has built up, keeping you from losing the nail, and should also get the blood out. He did say to watch out, because sometimes the blood can shoot out a pretty good distance.
heat up a needle and poke it through the nail over the spot where the blood is next time
Happened to me but I got stepped on by a soccer cleat...
For about 2 months it was first like a cloudy white color, then bruises started to show up. Then the nail started to be able to be pulled up a little (painlessly!!) and the distance to which I could lift the nail increased as the process went on. About 3 months after the actual injury it fell off, and after 2.5 months since then it is 1/2 way grown back.
When it falls off, but some bacitracin on it (or any antibiotic treatment) and keep a bandage or athletic tape over it as to prevent infection.
The whole process is painless, don't worry he'll be fine. It only sometimes hurts if it gets stepped on.
i had one on my middle finger, i waited for it to grow and it eventually got to the end of my nail, so i cut it off, do the same.
its just a bruise that formed underneath his nail. its nothing to be worried about. when his nail grows our the blood will travel with it. soon it will be gone. it just takes some time. sometimes a really long time. trust me i have dropped really heavy objects on my hands and toes. i just had to wait for my nail to grow out.
This is normal. Toenails take longer to grow than fingernails, so it will take about 2-3 months for the discoloration to grow out with the nail.
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